Friday, August 24, 2012

Product Creation Advice - Online Success Articles


By Maritza Parra

Twitter is a social networking and micro-blogging service that had been growing at lightning speed with about 5.5 million users at the time of this article. I had no idea what to do once I signed up for my free twitter account. Now I?ve learned what to do and I?m filling up my Teleseminars and my how-to-make-information-products classes with people who came directly from twitter.

Twitter Tip 1: Follow More than just your friends and family.

At first, I was only following one person and couldn?t figure out why in the world anyone would care about random messages about what I was doing and I was sick of hearing all about what he was doing 24/7. I almost (gasp) stopped using twitter altogether because I did not understand it.

Now I follow everyone except those people who look like they might be spammers. By having a lot of followers, every time you send out a message or an invitation to a teleseminar or a new product, those people who are interested in your subject will sign up. More sign ups to your teleseminars means you are building your list community and more customers who can sign up for your products and classes.

Twitter Tip 2: Go to Your Twitter People (Tweeple) when You Need a Boost.

Sometimes you might have a bad day. It?s hard to create products or do much else effectively when you are feeling negative. We all have days like this. I?ve noticed that most people on twitter are extremely positive and caring. If I ever feel discouraged, all I have to do is go to twitter and read some of the posts or interact with my tweeple and I can continue my day with an infusion of inspiration.

Twitter Tip 3: Survey Your Tweeple to See What Kind of Products They Would Buy.

One day I wanted to do a little market research and I decided I would send a survey to my regular list community and the same survey to my twitter followers. I was amazed at the higher responsiveness from my twitter followers compared to my regular list community.

I believe it?s because on twitter people are actively engaged and everyone is flooded with email and many times email is simply ignored. I know I don?t read most of my email or I would never get anything done. I got a huge response from my twitter and they helped me decided which product to create next. I filled up that class with a lot of people from twitter!

And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my ?Easy Product Creation Secrets? Video when you visit From Maritza Parra ? The Product Creation Queen and Easy Online Marketing Training


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